Marriage Help
Warning Sign 2: No Sex

Married couples eventually reach "the comfort zone." This can be an inevitable part of being in a relationship. Have the flames of passion dwindled down into a steady rut of meals and t.v. watching?

Although lots of wives believe their spouse should initiate intimacy, sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns. Every one wants to be swept off their feet sometimes. Taking that first step toward a sexy evening will pay back big dividends. Put a little planning into your special night, Line up a babysitter well in advance and double-check your reservations.

 Choose an activity that is romantic, such as a sexy movie or a nice restaurant. This can help bring a little passion into your relationship, which may lead to better and closer intimacy at home.

A sexless marriage doesn't have to be a permanent thing, if you both put the work into it the spark of passion will return stronger than ever.

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